Project Photo Gallery

All of these photos were shot by my mom, Asha Ironwood, unless otherwise noted

Bittersweet – Short Film – Winter 2018
I got to play a bully and…  it was… so. much. fun.  It was fun to be on set with a group of other kids.  And after we were really mean, the director would say, “cut” and we’d all smile at each other.

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A+ – SVA Student Film – Fall 2017
This was the first film I ever worked on and I’m hooked.  I love how intimate it is.  How many times I got to play a scene from different angles and in different ways.  I hope it’s the first of many.

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Annie Get Your Gun – SoL Theatre – Summer 2017
This was absolutely, hands-down, undeniably my favorite show I’ve ever done.  I LOVED playing the part of Annie Oakley!  I got to be ridiculous, serious, goofy, caring, hilarious, sad, silly, angry…  What a fun role!  A new life-goal is to play her again as an adult someday.  I never wanted it to end.

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Denver Center for the Performing Arts – The Secret Garden – Spring, 2017
Wow!  What an incredible experience I had!  I was the understudy for the lead role of Mary Lennox.  It’s an amazing role!  I felt honored to be a part of something so incredible.

With Marsha Norman, who wrote the Book and Lyrics to the musical, "the Secret Garden"
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Aspen Community Theater‘s 40th Anniversary Production – Fall, 2016
My mom usually takes pictures of my shows – but SHE WAS IN THIS ONE, TOO!  So, almost all of our pictures are from backstage…  That’s why I’m including a link to the Aspen Times article about the show.  There are some fantastic production photos in that!  This was my first ACT show – and I was the only young person in the cast.  Most of our songs were in 4-6 part harmonies and I LOVED being a part of an adult cast again.  The talent, the dedication, motivation, expectations…

Aspen Community Theatre looks back on ’40 Years of Laughter and Tears’

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Bye Bye Birdie – Theatre Aspen School – Summer, 2016
This show was an amazing experience.  I was so happy to work with such an fun cast.  It was my first time working with Tammy Barr.  I made tons of friends and I loved playing the role, Kim MacAfee – I got to be overly-dramatic, it was tons of fun.

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Dandelion Day – Carbondale, CO – Spring, 2016
Carbondale’s official town flower is the dandelion and every year our community gets together to celebrate the environment with a parade and a festival. There are educational booths, crafts and plant sales. There’s also an annual Songwriters’ Showcase where people sing songs inspired by dandelions! This is my third year participating – I’ve written two dandelion songs.
Here’s a link to my solo during this year’s showcase (my mom and I also sang my song from 2014 together):
ou can find it through my Video Gallery page, too!

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Xanadu, Jr – Theatre Aspen School – Spring, 2016
I played a villain for the first time in this show.  Wow, that was fun! Melpomene is such a great role.  And the music in this show is fantastic.  My mom knew all the words to all of the songs since they were from her childhood!  I’m glad I know them now, too.  And I LOVE working with Theatre Aspen School!
Here’s a link to the video of Maizy and me on KDNK talking about the show and singing “Evil Woman”:
you can find it through my Video Gallery page, too!

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A Muppet Christmas Carol – SoL Theatre – Winter, 2015
When we watched the movie that Jennifer Michaud from SoL Theatre was going to write our musical based on, I thought all of the best roles were boys’ roles… So, I asked if I could audition for the Ghost of Christmas Present.  I didn’t think that had to be done by a boy…  And it was the happiest character in the play!  I got the part!  AND I got to design my own costume!  Thanks, Jennifer!

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Broadway Dreams Foundation‘s 2015 NYC Showcase – BDF – Fall, 2015
Wow! I was invited to NYC to perform in the 2015 BDF Showcase!  We put together a fantastic show with two days of rehearsal for over 120 members of the NYC theater biz (agents, casting directors, directors, producers…)!  What an honor it was to be a part of this production.  Most of the other actors were in their late teens and 2o’s.  There were three other 10 year olds and we had such a great time together.  I hope I get to do it again next year!  Some of these photos were shot by Vii Tanner of Vii Tanner Photography.  He is credited in the description.  Thanks, Vii!

photo by Vii Tanner
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Once Upon a Mattress – Theatre Aspen School – Summer, 2015
This was the first time I did a summer camp with Theatre Aspen School and it was so much fun.  I became friends with some of my favorite people during this camp.  And the show was a blast.  Super talent, so much love and support.  And I absolutely LOVE the director of this show, Alie Walsh.  I hope we get to work together again soon.

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Broadway Dreams Foundation Aspen Intensive – BDF – Summer, 2015
Participating in the Broadway Dreams Foundation Aspen Intensive has been the greatest thing for me!  Through BDF I’ve been to NYC for auditions and a showcase and have been given the confidence to follow my dreams.  I cannot express enough how much I love everyone involved.  I’m so grateful to Theatre Aspen for hosting them.

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Free to Be… You and Me – SoL Theatre – Spring, 2015
My mother and I Co-Directed and performed in the cast of this production.  We worked on it for almost a year!  We used pieces from the books, the film and the recording and put it all together in a script we created ourselves.  I learned a lot (my favorite part was still performing, my least favorite part: meetings about the budget).  My brother was in it, too.  And since my mom was in it, we don’t have many pictures!

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Annie, Jr – SoL Theatre – Winter, 2014
I played Tessie in this production.  “Oh, my goodness.  Oh, my goodness.”  What a great show.  It inspired me to want to be in it on the Broadway Tour.  I even got a callback and went to NYC, but it didn’t happen…  and then, when it seemed like it might for the international tour, they asked my mom to measure me again and I was a 1/4 inch too tall!

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Dia de Los Muertos – SoL Theatre – Fall, 2014
SoL Theatre was asked to participate in our local Carbondale celebration of Dia de Los Muertos and my mom created a great show with songs and poetry.  My favorite parts were the skeleton makeup and performing with my best friend, Frida.

Aperture: 5.6
Camera: DMC-GF5
Iso: 1600
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Sound of Music – Jayne Gottlieb Productions – Summer, 2014
I played Louisa.  I was so excited to be one of the Van Trapp kids.  I love the music from this show.

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream – SoL Theatre – Summer, 2014
I was asked to join the teen and adult cast because one of the fairies had to drop out.  So, I was only a part of this cast for two weeks before tech started.  I’d worked with a lot of these actors before and enjoyed making new friends, too.  This was my first experience with Shakespeare.  And what a fun play!

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Dandelion Day – Carbondale, CO – Spring, 2014
Dandelions are the official flower of our hometown, Carbondale, CO.  Every spring we celebrate Dandelion Day with a parade and a festival dedicated to environmental education and music.  I have written songs for the last three years’ songwriters showcases.  These pictures are from the first year I performed my song, “Something Magical” with my mom and a band of friends.  We also sang back-up for their songs.  It was a ton of fun to sing in a real band.

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The Hobbit – Theatre Aspen School – Spring, 2014
My brother and I were both dwarves in this production.  It was for 5th-8th graders, but they let me audition since I’ve had a lot of experience on stage.  I was only in 3rd grade at the time 🙂

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Winterpalooza – Glenwood Center for the Arts – December, 2013
I performed in a group tap routine and sang “Shenandoah” as a solo.

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Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer – Sol Theatre – December, 2013
I played Dolly (for Sue) and an elf.  It was a really fun part.  My brother played Yukon Cornelius.  He was hilarious.

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42nd Street – Jayne Gottlieb Productions – November, 2013
This was my first experience with tap dancing.  Wow!  That was fun.  Even my brother, Sage, learned to tap!

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Les Miserables – Theatre Aspen – Summer, 2013
Close-up shots of me by Peggy Wilkie.  Other production photos by Jeremy Swanson
I loved this show.  It made my dreams become reality.  I will treasure it forever.

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James and the Giant Peach – SoL Theatre – Spring, 2013
My second production with SoL Theatre (Stage of Life) was the play, “James and the Giant Peach.”  I played the Glow Worm and had such a blast!  I didn’t have a ton of lines, so it was a really great opportunity to learn how to use my body and face to express myself.

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A Charlie Brown Christmas and The Little Star – SoL Theatre – Winter, 2012
This was my first production with SoL Theatre (Stage of Life).  I was in the ensemble for the Charlie Brown Christmas (the first act) and then was the Lead Little Angel in what was the play the Peanut characters put on, “The Little Star” (act two).

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Spring Dance Recital – Aspen Santa Fe Ballet – 2011
This was my second dance performance with Ballet Aspen Santa Fe.  Our dance had a sunflower theme.  I can still remember the choreography, even though it was so long ago!

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Peter Pan – Jayne Gottlieb Productions – Spring, 2011
This was the first time I performed in a musical.  My mom told me I was doing it and if I didn’t love it she would never push me to be in another show.  It was incredible and I’ve never missed an opportunity since!  I played a pink leopard in the beginning scene and then was a lost boy.

no longer shy...
I was no longer shy
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The Nutcracker – Aspen Santa Fe Ballet – Winter, 2010
My first experience on stage was with a professional ballet company on the largest theater in the area…  I was four years old and so incredibly nervous.  I remember standing in the wings saying to myself, “I can do it.  I know the steps.  I can do it.  I know the steps.”  Over and over until all of a sudden I was out there!  AND I LOVED IT.

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